Sunday, August 04, 2024

Dari Minda Abdul Halim R


I was going through the list of bloggers under my list and I saw my late dad's blog : Dari Minda Abdul Halim R.

My dad  was a writer and he major in Pantun and poems. He wrote a few novels and had lots of transcripts published. He won so many awards but his name is not well known except in Kedah. His last creation was his own bio but that is still unfinished  as he passed away on 10th May 2020

Pakaian lusuh jejaka Maluku
Dagangan pulasan di pinggir kota
Jangan kau basuh luka hatiku
Dengan rinjisan si airmata

His Pantun was always beautiful and rhythmic. We still miss you dad. Al-Fatihah..

Times that were lost

 Have we ever reflects for some memories which we never remember? least until someone mentioned it to you. Then you will say.. "Oh ya, that's right."

I have encountered a few times where I cannot even recall the incidents even though someone mentioned them to me. "Really? Is that really what happened then?" For the life of me, I just could not recalled the incidents. It was as though the time was lost to me. 

Sometimes I wonder if there were a black spot in my brain which blocked some of the memories. Some doctors said that when things are too painful, then your brain will blocked the memories to ease your pain. Sound clever right? 

"No matter what your age, several underlying causes can bring about memory problems. Forgetfulness can arise from stress, depression, lack of sleep or thyroid problems. Other causes include side effects from certain medicines, an unhealthy diet or not having enough fluids in your body (dehydration)." - Mr Google's reasoning

Whatever the reasons are, I wish I could remember those days - every single one of them. Especially times with those who had passed on. The time when my mom made sambal ready to eat for me. I cannot recalled this at all. I seems to have lost some of the time of my life especially the year from 1988 to 1990. 

Those were the worst time of my life when I felt so alone with no one to listen to my woes. Things happened and I cant recalled most of the incidents. 

Anyway, I supposed we became stronger mentally from all these experiences. My life could be made a blockbuster film as I had gone every possible hardships a life could offer. The sad things are, I had no one supporting and consoled me. Or maybe, I may have forgotten about them??

Life experiences are test given to us and we are the one who can overcome them. God will not test those who cant overcome them.. I believe..


Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Year 2023 gave me a new change in my working life.

After 4 years 2 months of spending my working life in Pulau Langkawi, I has been transferred to Alor Setar branch with effect from 12th June 2023. That is my daughter's, Auni's birthday. New place, new environment. 

Actually I only have a year to go before my retirement and I just do not understand the immature thinking of the management in RHB Bank. They do not appreciate good people but they penalised all these people when they could not manage them. Mind you, they do this only to skin color which differ from them. 

I remember a case where the branch has lost a few thousands due to staff misconduct. The manager was promoted to the regional office. Whilst a branch which gets "fair" rating, the manager was down grade and transferred out. Other managers with the same skin color who got "fair" ratings still became the manager until now...!! 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

The thought that hounds us

When you are young, you only think of what to play, with whom and where..

At adolescent, your thought are crushes, exams and clubs.

For young adults, we start thinking of our future. What course to take, where to study and where to work.. 

Adults would start thinking of starting a family, mortgages, and other finances.

I have gone through all these stages. Now I am nearing retiring age, what do you think came to my thought... 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

My youngest son berkhatan...

It was 23rd December 2010..The day my youngest son finally agreed to have the circumcision. He said on one condition.: "amir nak tidor masa dia potong" so I looked up the hospitals and clinics in Sg Petani but none have it done under anesthetics. The only place that I could find is Kedah Medical Centre (KMC) in Alor Setar. So, off we went there and had an appointment made.

On the 23rd, we left for KMC for the operation. At 10am, he was pushed inside the operation theater. It will only take about half an hour. Since I haven't had any breakfast yet, we went down for som
ething to eat at the cafeteria.

We went up at 10.20am but he has not came out yet..At almost 11.15am , he was pushed out from the operation theater. He was all smiles and chatting with the male nurse.
I asked him if it hurts or not..No, he said..That's a relief...

Amir after the operation in the ward at KMC..

He complaint that he was hungry. I realised that he hadn't had any food since the night before. The doctor told him to fast for at least six hours before the operation and he hadn't had any breakfast yet. So my husband went down to the shop to get some bread for him first, then we went out to buy lunch.

He was discharged around 2.30pm and we went straight home to Sungai Petani.
Amir is a man now....

Amir at home......

New phase of life for Amir

It was on the 6th of September 2022. Amir started his journey to Nice, France at 11pm from KLIA. He was checked in Flight no TK0061 seat no 15A on Turkish Airline to Istanbul to be connected for Flight no TK1813 seat no 18B to Nice at 8.15am. On 7th September 2022. He was safely landed at Nice Cote D'Azure Airport at 10.30am.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


"HOW YOU START YOUR DAY WILL DETERMINE HOW THE REST OF YOUR DAY GOES" This is one of my life principal which I hold dearly. No matter how you feel, always pause before you act. It is certainly worth it. The few seconds you take will change your day or maybe your whole life.

None of us wanted bad things to happen but things do happens and our next course of action will always determine the outcome. What you give is what you get back. If you want the good things then take a good actions.

Our actions are within our control. We had a choice to make things better or worst.

Easier said than done. Yes. It takes great control to stop before taking action; especially when it involves emotions. I believe we had experience bad decision made and regretting immediately. We start wishing we had stop first before taking actions. 

How many of us wish that we could turn back the clock? I do as I am very sure most of you do as well. 
Knowing that every actions come with consequences certainly have an effect to our decisions. But how many of us can say with confidence that we always stop and think first before we do anything?

It takes a lot of self control and practice do make perfect. A matter of heart is not as easy as said. Let us start now and who knows we can change our outcome just by pausing our action for a second. It certainly worth it. Believe Me...