Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Amir tak nak ngaji...

I came home from work one day and Auni started her normal "CNN" even before I managed to take off my shoes. She will relayed the whole day event in 10 minutes non stop..Then she told me" Ibu, tadi Amir tak mau ngaji" So I looked at Amir...(at this point I had manage to take off my shoes and put down my handbag in between Auni's reporting.) Amir...Apasal tak nak ngaji? He juz kept quiet....So I asked my maid and she told me when Ustazah came that day, he refused to read but he was all in his baju melayu and sat in front of the ustazah. Guess what he did? He juz sat there facing ustazah face down for an hour. Kesian Auni, she had to ngaji for the whole hour since Amir refuse to open his mouth...As soon as ustazah left, he took off the baju melayu and started watching TV...Later he told me that he was watching his favorite series BEN 10 when ustazah came..That's why he didn't want to ngaji..So I made a deal with him...If he mengaji, I'll take him to watch Night in The Museum 2 during the weekend...It worked..he started to mengaji from then on...
Sometimes bribery works....


Lee said...

Hello IbuNim, nothing like doing some trading or negotiation with kids.
I call it reverse psychology, ha ha.
You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.

Ibunim said...

Thanks usually works with Amir..but not with Auni..Still searching and exploring even now...

Anonymous said...

Hi IbuNim,
Sometimes to be creative is so hard, and to make things better are harder....but thanx for the good tip

Ibunim said...

you are be creative, sometimes we need to think like a child...Their mind are a real wonder...there no limits to what they can do and think..amazing..