Sunday, July 24, 2022


"HOW YOU START YOUR DAY WILL DETERMINE HOW THE REST OF YOUR DAY GOES" This is one of my life principal which I hold dearly. No matter how you feel, always pause before you act. It is certainly worth it. The few seconds you take will change your day or maybe your whole life.

None of us wanted bad things to happen but things do happens and our next course of action will always determine the outcome. What you give is what you get back. If you want the good things then take a good actions.

Our actions are within our control. We had a choice to make things better or worst.

Easier said than done. Yes. It takes great control to stop before taking action; especially when it involves emotions. I believe we had experience bad decision made and regretting immediately. We start wishing we had stop first before taking actions. 

How many of us wish that we could turn back the clock? I do as I am very sure most of you do as well. 
Knowing that every actions come with consequences certainly have an effect to our decisions. But how many of us can say with confidence that we always stop and think first before we do anything?

It takes a lot of self control and practice do make perfect. A matter of heart is not as easy as said. Let us start now and who knows we can change our outcome just by pausing our action for a second. It certainly worth it. Believe Me...