This year is my first year of living as a retired person. Having no income after earning 5 figure for so many years really sucks. Well I do have my retirement fund but it is not the same as earning 5 figure monthly.
Frankly, I was hoping that once I retired, my husband would cover all the expenses but to my disgust, he still remain stingy and expected me to pay for all. Well.. life goes on..
Since I need to create income and spending expenses for the household, I figure I should do things that I enjoyed.. I had a hand in crochet. I made handbags, keychains and other stuffs but the income is real slow. Then, I took up a paid cooking class. After a few tries , I managed to create a delicious sambal. I called it "IbuSambal by IbuNim" It was a hit!!
Tomorrow is the first day of Puasa. I hope this year I will be able to generate income for Raya Expenses later. But the sambal making is so tedious and I am doing it alone. Great things and outcome will comes out of from great efforts. No effort - No success.
Wish me all the best and may I keep going strong to work for my family's sake.