Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blueberry muffin day

Today is Saturday and Auni has a replacement school day. She couldn't opened up her eyes. So in order to motivate her, I made a promise to her...."Auni balik sekolah nanti, kita buat kek, ok?" That really got her attention.."Buat kek?", "Kek Apa?" and etc..etc..She was finally got ready at 7.30am and off to school at 8am..Luckily, she's attending special school..or to detention class.

Anyway, when she got back this afternoon, I make sure she had her lunch first. The menu today..Nasi Ayam with Ayam Madu..and for my husband..cabai solok and brown rice..all home cooked..

Around 3pm, I announced that it's time to bake a I called dear mom..get all the stuff ready and by the time mom arrived the cake is ready for decoration...

Well..this was what's left after Auni had her share...A bit brown ..but nice..

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